Luohu District

  • 网络罗湖区;深圳罗湖区
Luohu DistrictLuohu District
  1. Luohu District , Shenzhen City is one of the city centre .


  2. To learn the status of occupational disease hazard program reports in Luohu District of Shenzhen .


  3. According to " Shenzhen Luohu District Healthy City Proper Plans ", Luohu Educational Bureau has made a plan to set up healthy schools .


  4. Every week he had to traveled a long distance in the metro from Baoan airport to my home in Luohu District to take classes .


  5. Methods : Accordimg to food poisoning investigation report during the year of2004-2006 and statistical analysis of yearend food poisoning documents of Shenzhen Luohu District Center .


  6. At present we are carrying out the central area of financial Cai Wuwei , a city of Shenzhen , Luohu District , two of the Qing Li build key projects .


  7. Luohu Jiancheng district is compartmentalized based on evaluations of the stability of rock fault zones in it with the analysis results .
